Our purpose is to be the voice for all animals; to shelter any discarded, unwanted, or suffering animal, to the best of our ability, and to place adoptable animals in homes where they will thrive.

Founded in 2020, All Paws Matter rescue is a 501c3 accredited non-profit organization that focuses primarily on cat and dog rescue. We are a foster-based rescue that is based in Butler County, Ohio – though we try to extend that reach for animals in need. 

Currently, we are a small, (but growing), all volunteer team. Want to get involved? Contact us!

One of Our Recent Success Stories:

Meet Zeus and Hercules (formerly known as Nick and Rudie)

As our beloved dogs, aged 17 and 18, approached their twilight years, my family knew we wanted to continue sharing our lives with furry companions. We’ve always been a dog-loving household, and the idea of adopting new pups came up naturally in our conversations.

I happened to mention our search at work, where a kind-hearted co-worker’s wife mentioned a local rescue organization fostering two adorable puppies from the same litter—two brothers who were as cute as could be. After much family discussion, we made the heartfelt decision to adopt both. How could we possibly separate such inseparable siblings?

The adoption process, guided by the helpful Teri, was straightforward. I remember one question vividly: “What is your intent with the dogs?” My answer was simple yet heartfelt: to spoil them silly and let them grow old with us, enjoying a life of laziness and love.

Now, 17 months later, our once pint-sized pups haven’t quite grown fat, but they’ve certainly perfected the art of being lazy lapdogs—exactly as we had hoped. Each of our two children claimed one of the brothers as their own, taking on the responsibility of caring for them. At night, one curls up with my son, while the other snuggles with my daughter, mirroring their human counterparts’ personalities.

It’s incredible to witness how these dogs have adapted to our family dynamics. My daughter’s pup is a gentle sweetheart, mirroring her calm demeanor, while my son’s dog matches his boundless energy and mischievous spirit. From tiny 15-pound bundles of fur to now robust 60-pound lapdogs, they’ve grown not just in size but in their roles as cherished members of our family.